We don't use BFS in chess programming, so I can't comment on that
question. Memory requirements don't permit it.

Yes, we use recursive DFS, generally. Iterative DFS is more difficult,
and only programs designed to run on multiple processors at the same
time, (generally), use it.

At every level, the program knows how much deeper it can go, as a
maximum. Time, not stack overflow, is the reason. TIME is a very
critical part of any competitive chess/checkers program.

You might want to google for "Tom's Simple Chess Program", for a
straight forward chess program (source), in C. It is as clear as any
program you'll find, imo.

If you want to ask the experts, go to the newsgroup
rec.games.chess.programming or on the web, www.talkchess.com.
Particularly at talkchess.com, several of the world's best chess
programmers, can answer your most detailed questions. Bruce Moreland
has some wonderful
informational/tutorial pages set up on his website, also.

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