I made a mistake while constructing worst case input.
Just ignore it.

On Nov 14, 2007 11:50 AM, hongcheng zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It looks good.
> Have you done some experiments to test its efficiency?
> Maybe (1) is not such a strong branch-cutting condition as you think.
> See sequence like below:
> P[p],  P[1]*P[2]*...*P[p-1] *(P[p]-1),  P[1]*P[2]*...*P[p-1] *(P[p]-2) ,
> ...,  P[1]*P[2]*...*P[p-1] *(1)
> It need branch on every element of the right half.
> Meanwhile the absolute sum of all elements is a polynomial of all P[i].
> On Nov 11, 2007 12:23 PM, Yao Ziyuan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > An effective search algorithm for the subset sum problem
> >
> >
> > Problem: There are n integers N_1, N_2, ..., N_n; we wonder if the sum
> > of some or all of these integers (a subset sum) is 0.
> >
> > Solution:
> >
> > Suppose
> >        (1) There are p different prime numbers P_1, P_2, ..., P_p;
> >        (2) P_1 * P_2 * ... * P_p > the largest of the absolute values of
> > all
> > subset sums;
> >        (3) There is a subset sum M satisfying: M mod P_1 = 0; M mod P_2
> > =
> > 0; ...; M mod P_p = 0;
> > Then
> >        M must be 0.
> >
> > For each P_i (i=1..p), use dynamic programming to compute the values
> > of "all subset sums mod P_i" and store them in the arrays s_mod_P_i[n]
> > [P_i]. For example, for the prime number P_1, we get an dynamic
> > programming array s_mod_P_1[n][P_1], where s_mod_P_1[i][j] = true
> > would mean there exists a subset among N_1, N_2, ..., N_i whose sum
> > mod P_1 equals j.
> >
> > With these p arrays s_mod_p_i (i=1..p), we can use search to restore
> > an M and one of its addition expression in terms of N_1, N_2, ...,
> > N_n, or prove that M doesn't exist:
> >
> > Suppose M exists, and we have an initial condition s_mod_P_i[n][0] =
> > true; (i=1..p)
> >
> > We want to determine whether an addition expression of M includes N_n
> > as an addend, then
> >        either (1) N_n is included, i.e. s_mod_P_i[n-1][(0 - P_i) mod
> > P_i] =
> > true; (i=1..p)
> >        or (2) N_n is not included, i.e. s_mod_P_i[n-1][0] = true;
> > (i=1..p)
> >        or (3) both (1) and (2) are true;
> >        or (4) neither (1) or (2) is true.
> >
> > If (4) is true, it means M doesn't exist for the current search path
> > and we must backtrack;
> > If (1) or (2) is true (and (3) is not true), it means there is only
> > one outlet for the current search path and we don't have to branch
> > out;
> > If (3) is true, it means we must branch out 2 branches for the current
> > search path;
> >
> > For (1), (2) or (3), we step forward to determine whether N_(n-1) can
> > be included in an addition expression of M.
> >
> > This search algorithm has a strong branch-cutting condition in (1) and
> > is supposed to save a lot of time.
> >
> > I originally think this is a dynamic programming algorithm and thanks
> > to Lin He who pointed out that there is actually a possibility for (3)
> > and suggested it can still be an efficient search algorithm.
> >
> > Your comments are appreciated in advance.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Yao Ziyuan
> >
> >
> > > >
> >
> --
> Hongcheng Zhu

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