I think this method will solve the problem:
1). first, sort the linear array using quick sort method, it will take
n(logn) time
2).second, scan the sorted linear array:
Array[nLen] //sorted data Array.
T tSameData;
int iNum;
int i, j, k, iLast = nLen; //nLen is the length of the array.
for (i=0; i<iLast; i++)
tSameData = Array[i];
j = i;
while (Array[j+1] == tSameData) j++;
if (j > i)
iNum = j - i;
for(k=iLast-1, i=i+1; k>iLast-1-iNum; k--, i++)
Array[i] = Array[k];
iLast -= iNum;
nLen = iLast;
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