On Mar 26, 4:58 am, jorgeba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writting to ask if you know the difference between algorithm
> composition, algorithm combination and algorithm aggregation.
> For example, a weighted sum of algorithms I think that it is a
> combination.
> But I can imagine examples of composition or aggregation.
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Jorge

I have never heard these terms used for algorithms, but that doesn't
mean they haven't been used.

Composition of functions applying f(x) and g(x) in sequence would be
g(f(x)), sometimes written (g o f)(x).  For algorithms F and G, that's
like providing the output of F to the input of G in order to make a
new algorithm.   For example if F is sort and G is an algorithm that
assumes sorted input, then you'd compose the two to get a new
algorithm that works on unsorted inputs.

Aggregation means collection. The term implies you'd take several
(disjoint) algorithms and merely draw a box around them and define the
box as a new algorithm. The inputs would be the union of the
individual algorithm inputs; similarly for outputs.  Suppose we had an
algorithm that schedules college courses into classrooms and another
that schedules students into courses.  The aggregate would accept
courses, classrooms, and students and produce a collection of
schedules that shows how classrooms and students are assigned for each

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