>  these as 1 or 4 or something in between?
>  Also does a single node count as a tree?

These are good questions. In my problem, a binary tree is different if
the set of nodes are different. For example:

  a                 We have 9 different binary trees: {a}, {b}, {c},
{a,b}, {b,c}, {b,d}, {c,d}, {a,b,c}, {a,b,d}. It does not matter
   \                 the number of different binary trees that can be
formed by each of these sets. The set {b,c,d} can not be
   b                considered because it would for a cycle, so it
would not be a tree.
  /  \
d  -  c

My initial question was not well specified. Sorry.


On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Geoffrey Summerhayes
>  On May 14, 8:39 am, pramod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Let's say we have E number of edges and V number of vertices.
>  > Any subgraph which is a tree with V vertices will have V-1 edges. So
>  > we need to retain V-1 edges and eliminate the rest E-(V-1). So in a
>  > brute force manner if we retain any set of V-1 edges and see if the
>  > resultant graph is indeed a tree or not. So we need to test for E C
>  > (V-1) such cases. This is definitely an upper bound.
>  > We may optimize the above exponential algorithm by not considering
>  > those edges which are not part of any cycles since they can't be
>  > removed. And in the middle of removing the edges if we encounter an
>  > edge with vertex having a degree of only 1 then we can't remove that
>  > edge.
>  To OP, what counts as a distinct binary tree? Are you going to count
>  a       b    c      b
>   \     / \    \    / \
>   b   a   c    b  c   a
>    \          /
>     c        a
>  (use a monospace font to view)
>  these as 1 or 4 or something in between?
>  Also does a single node count as a tree?
>  For a minimum, counting single nodes you would get V
>  vertices/trees. For a simple, connected graph you also
>  get at least one path between any pair of nodes giving
>  an additional V*(V-1).
>  So a bare minimum would have at least V*V trees.
>  ----
> Geoff
>  >

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