For some time now I started studying Algos and Data Structures. I got
these question when I was going through Hashing. Please help me
answering them. Some questions are of the type to validate my

1) Suppose If I need to design a commonly referred Hash table, I
should allow insertion of duplicate "Records"?

2) Whenever we store huge data, if there is a need for finding a
record "fast" i.e., O(1) approximately,
   it is better to (a) store that data in Hash Table., "Naturally
storing is first operation on a Hash Table"
  followed by Find and Delete. Am I right?

3) Also I read here http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~holte/T26/min-collisions.html,
if we increase the hash table size
to an order much greater than the actual number of keys, hashing is
much effective.

Considering the cost of Random Access Memory becoming cheap, this
methodology is followed in commercial software development?
e.g., this could mean allocating for 20 records where in on average we
will be having only 10 keys and 10 records.

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