On Jun 22, 7:45 pm, "Nat Padmanabhan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is not funny!

True, it's actually quite depressing.

> Skiplist is essentially an optimized version of Doug's idea that ends up
> using a logrithmically scaling vector of pointers. Secondly, linked lists in
> real scenarios make sense only when there is some satellite data associated
> with the keys. So maintaining just pointers gives you speed at the cost of
> relatively small memory.

Don't care. The question was whether it was possible to search a
LINKED LIST in less than O(n) time.

And most of the answers were, "Yes, of course, definitely, as long
as you use <some other structure> instead."

Everyone is so busy trying to show off detailed knowledge of their
favorite data structure, they fail to notice they're not actually
answering a fairly straightforward question.


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