I don't think binary search will help you here. Think about it, worst
case you can have a path graph so you'll have to do a linear search.
Oh wait I think i got it!
How about the following:
If |E| < |V| - 1 the answer is obviously false. So |E| is about |V|
(sparse graph) or |E| is about |V|^2 (dense graphs). Now if you ran
say a BFS that has a runtime of O(|V|+|E|) but since E is |V| or more
we get O(E).

On Sep 17, 11:58 am, "Coskun Gunduz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was thinking of sorting alphabetically. For example edge AD comes before
> edge AE and BA, and so on. That may help to do a binary search over the
> edges, instead of linear search.
> I'll try to improve your idea if I can,
> best,
> coskun...
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Alex Snast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi.
> > Maybe I didn't mention this but the graph is not a weighted graph so
> > you can't sort the edges. I had an idea of scanning all the edges (u,
> > v) and counting the all vertices v (counting all the in-degree). That
> > could work if the graph was connected but that's not given so in order
> > to check for connectivity to need to mark vertices so you need to
> > initialize them. If you could check for connectivity without marking
> > them all you could do is to check whenever vertices_discovered = |V| -
> > 1 (not counting to root vertex). Maybe you can delete each vertex v
> > when you scan each edge (u, v) but that doesn't seem right.
> > If I'll get the solution I'll make sure to share it with you guys,
> > Alex
> > On Sep 17, 9:04 am, "Coskun Gunduz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > If I'm not wrong, you don't have to find a root node. You only need to
> > check
> > > if a given node u is root or not.
> > > Actually O(E) seems too low to me for this. I think this problem can be
> > > solved in O(E) if it's been reduced to some other problems.
> > > I tried using prime factors, but couldn't make it work. I represented
> > each
> > > node with a prime and edges with the multiplication of these primes, but
> > it
> > > needs so much calculation.
> > > Maybe you should try XOR'ing on the adjacency matrix, but I'm not sure if
> > it
> > > works.
> > > O(ElogE) may be possible, by first sorting the edges, then binary search
> > > among them.
> > > Well, it's an interesting problem, we'd be glad if you share the solution
> > > when you get it.
> > > best,
> > > coskun...
> > > On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 8:42 PM, Alex Snast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > hello.
> > > > I've been cracking my head on a question from a test and i'm still not
> > > > sure how to solve this.
> > > > Quesion:
> > > > Given G = (V, E) , a directed graph. a vetex u is called a root iff
> > > > there's a path from it to all the other vertices in G
> > > > Suggest an algorithm that checks whenever vertex u is a root:
> > > > runtime: O(E) , so i simple BFS o DFS won't work.
> > > > Thanks for your help guys.
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