Considering binary search trees(of any kind) following pseudo code will
help, a successor of a node having  a right child is the minimum element in
the subtree rooted at that node's right child, and if that node does not
have any right child, then you have to find the successor that would be one
of the node's ancestors, this pseudo code is taken from CLRS(with a little


NODE successor(NODE x)

                If x.right != null 

                                Return minimum(x.right)

                Y = x.parent

                While (y != null && x = y.right)

                                X = y

                                Y = y.parent

                Return y


NODE minimum(NODE x)

                While(x.left != null)

                                X = x.left

                Return x


Considering the case your tree is a multi-way search tree(like a 2-3-4 tree
or a B-tree In general) the procedure would be like the one presented here,
but also you have to consider existence of key (K+1) inside a node X to
determine the successor both in X and X's ancestors.


From: [] On
Behalf Of Vinay Pandey
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 9:18 AM
Subject: [algogeeks] Re: [algogeeks]


which tree?

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 7:01 AM, praba garan <> wrote:

how to find the successor of an element in a tree ??

thank u

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