thank u for ur answer. however can u still tel me the page no of CLRS
in which the soln is given?
On Mar 29, 10:22 pm, Miroslav Balaz <> wrote:
> do you have CLRS? i mean introduction to algorithms book, it is there
> exactly done...
> but the proof is easy, by contradiction. You assume you have MST and , if
> you remove one edge, then you have two components, and there is one cut
> between them... now every edge in that cut must not have smaller weight,
> than removed edge, because if not , you would get more minimum spanning
> tree.
> thats all.
> Indeed if all adges have different weight, then iff holds.
> 2009/3/29 <>
> > A cut (S, V − S) of an undirected
> > graph G = (V,E) is a partition of V .
> > An edge (u, v) ∈ E crosses the cut iff one of
> > its endpoints is in S and the other is in V −S.
> > An edge is a light edge crossing a cut if its
> > weight is the minimum of any edge crossing
> > the cut.

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