Priya, as mentioned by you your isLock() takes O(logn) time.
We need to use Hash table as auxillary DS for O(1) query time.


On Aug 30, 8:35 am, priya k <> wrote:
> // Data Structure for the n-ary tree
> struct node
> {
>    int data;
>    node * child[m];
>    bool lockFlag; // Indicates if a node is locked or not
>    node *parent;  //Holds the immediate parent of the node
>    int LockCount; //Holds how many nodes arrested this node
> };
> // Takes logm(N) in the worst case
> bool check(node *NodeToBeLocked)
> {
>    node *m=NodeToBeLocked;
>    if(m->flag==true || m->LockCount>0)
>     return false;  // since the node is already locked or any of its
> subtrees already locked, return false
>    while(m && !m->lockFlag)
>      m=m->parent;
>    if(m && m->lockFlag)
>      return false; // if any of its ancestors have been already locked
>    return true;
> }
> // Takes logm(N) in the worst case
> bool lock(node *NodeToBeLocked)
> {
>   if(check(NodeToBeLocked)) // If true, Node is free to be locked
>   {
>     node *m=NodeToBeLocked;
>     m->lock=true;
>     node *prevChild=m;
>     m=m->parent;
>     while(m)
>     {
>      m->LockCount++;
>       prevChild=m;
>       m=m->parent;
>     }
>     return true;
>   }
>   return false; //err.. cannot be locked
> }
> // Takes logm(N) in the worst case
> bool unlock(node *NodeToBeUnLocked)
> {
>   node *m=NodeToUnBeLocked;
>   m->lock=false;  // Unlock the Node
>   node *prevChild=m;
>   m=m->parent;
>     while(m)
>     {
>      m->LockCount--;
>       prevChild=m;
>       m=m->parent;
>     }
> }
> Thanks,
> Priya
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 11:35 PM, nagendra kumar 
> <>wrote:
> > Given a n-ary tree of resources arranged hierarchically. A process
> > needs to lock a resource node in order to use it. But,
> >  A node cannot be locked if any of its descendant or ancestor is
> > locked.
> > I was supposed to
> > -> write the structure of node
> > -> write codes for
> > -> islock()- returns true if a given node is locked and false if it is
> > not
> > -> lock()- locks the given node if possible and updates lock
> > information
> > -> unlock()- unlocks the node and updates information.
> > Codes should be :
> > Islock –O(1)
> > Lock()- O(log n)
> > unLock()- O(log n)

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