Assumption:  Array has at least 3 numbers.

Create two arrays of size 3. Lets say P[] & N[], where P[] going to hold the
top 3 +ve integers and N[] going to hold the top 3 -ve ( magnitude wise)
integers. [ i.e., P[0]<P[1]<P[2]  .... N[0]<N[1]<N[2] ]

P.len & N.len has been maintained to get the current length of P[] & N[]
respectively.  [ See the below algorithm to fill both the arrays
appropriately ] . Then, use the below logic to give the 3 numbers
       a)  If P.len ==0, obviously N.len = 3 ( coz of the
Assumption).............Return N[]
       b)  Else If P.len ==1,  N.len >=2 ( coz of the Assumption ) ......
Return { P[2], N[1], N[2] }
       c)  Else if P.len ==2, N.len >=1 (coz of the Assumption);      If
N.len == 1    Return { P[2], P[1], N[2] }   else Return { P[2], N[1], N[2] }
       d) Else (i.e., P.len == 3) ,   If  (N.len == 0 OR N.len == 1 ) return
                                                      if (   N[2]*N[1]   <
 P[0]*P[1] )
                                                                return {
 P[] }
                                                                return {
P[2]*N[1]*N[2]  }

      e) MASTER IF (use this condition before cond(a) )   if (P.len + N.len
 < 3 ), return MaxPdt = 0.   [  In the algo, 0 is not considered either as a
+ve int or -ve int. Condition (a) to (d) will hold if at all there exists 3
numbers other than X number of 0's in the array. If not, obviously result is
0 ]  May be, we can return all the elements (i.e., 2 elements ) in P[] & N[]
and a 0 being the 3rd element.

Code snippet :

p.len = n.len = 0
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
if (S[i]>0)
if (p.len == 0 ) { P[2] = S[i]; p.len++; }
else if (p.len == 1 )
  if (P[2] <= S[i]) { temp=P[2]; P[2]=S[i]; P[1]=temp; p.len++ }
  else { P[1] = S[i]; p.len++ }
else if (p.len == 2 )
  if (P[2] <= S[i]) { P[0]=P[1]; P[1]=P[2]; P[2]=S[i]; p.len++ }
  else if (P[1] <= S[i]) { P[0]=P[1]; P[1]=S[i]; p.len++ }
  else {P[0]=S[i]; p.len++
  if (P[2] < = S[i]) { P[0]=P[1]; P[1]=P[2]; P[2]=S[i]; }
  else if (P[1] <= S[i]) { P[0]=P[1]; P[1]=S[i]; }
  else if (P[0] <= S[i]) { P[0]=S[i]}
if (S[i]<0)
S[i] = -S[i];
if (p.len == 0 ) { N[2] = S[i]; p.len++; }
else if (p.len == 1 )
  if (N[2] <= S[i]) { temp=N[2]; N[2]=S[i]; N[1]=temp; p.len++ }
  else { N[1] = S[i]; p.len++ }
else if (p.len == 2 )
  if (N[2] <= S[i]) { N[0]=N[1]; N[1]=N[2]; N[2]=S[i]; p.len++ }
  else if (N[1] <= S[i]) { N[0]=N[1]; N[1]=S[i]; p.len++ }
  else {N[0]=S[i]; p.len++
  if (N[2] < = S[i]) { N[0]=N[1]; N[1]=N[2]; N[2]=S[i]; }
  else if (N[1] <= S[i]) { N[0]=N[1]; N[1]=S[i]; }
  else if (N[0] <= S[i]) { N[0]=S[i]}


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