The requirement is to find an pseudorandom integer sequence i0, i1,
i2, i3, ... , i48, i49 so that there are at least 15 adjacent
differences which are greater than 36.
Adjacent difference
= absolute value of the difference between two adjacent integers
= |i  - i   |
   |  j - j+1|
   where j = 0 to 49 and
  i  =  an integer in the range of [1, 2, 3, ..., 50]

For this integer sequence (very poor in randomness)
1 39 2 40 3 41 4 42 5 43 6 44 7 45 8 46 9 47 10 48 11 49 12 50 13 26
14 27 15 28 16 29 17 30 18 31 19 32 20 33 21 34 22 35 23 36 24 37 25

i0 =  1
i1 = 39
i2 =  2
i3 = 40
i4 =  3
i47 = 37
i48 = 25
i49 = 38

Adjacent difference
|i0 - i1| = |1 - 39| = 38
|i1 - i2| = |39 - 2| = 37
|i2 - i3| = |2 - 40| = 38
|i3 - i4| = |40 - 3| = 37
|i23 - i24| = |50 - 13| = 37
|i24 - i25| = |13 - 26| = 13
|i46 - i47| = |24 - 37| = 13
|i47 - i48| = |37 - 25| = 12
|i48 - i49| = |25 - 38| = 13

There are 24 adjacent differences which are greater than 36.
Is there an algorithm to find an pseudorandom integer sequence which
meet the requirement?
One algorithm I can think of is:
1. Create a not-random integer sequence which has at least 15 adjacent
differences which are greater than 36.
e.g. the above integer sequence alternates between a small and large
2. Randomlly select two odd-indexed integer.
  If swapping them still meet the requirement, then swap them
3. Randomlly select two even-indexed integer.
  If swapping them still meet the requirement, then swap them
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 many times

I will write a computer program to implement this.
Please comment or suggest a better algorithm.

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