On 2010-6-11 13:39, BALARUKESH wrote:
The increment and decrement method wont work correctly for all
It works. In this example, the first ')' lead to -1 which indicate the expression is not well formed.
This is not a well formed parenthesis... But satisfies the algorithm.
The better way is to use a stack... When u find a ' ( ' push it into
the stack and when u find a ' )' pop off the top element. Finally the
stack should be empty. If [stack has one or more ' ( ' ] or [the stack
is empty and exp is not empty] then it is not a well formed
The later condition [the stack is empty and exp is not empty] does not necessary lead to ill formed parenthesis. Ex: (a+b)*(c+d). To solve this, you can 1) add an additional pair of parenthesis around the whole expression or 2) change the condition to [the stack is empty and ')' is the next element of the expression]

Actually, the increment and decrement method is maintaining the stack size, checking 1) no stack underflow, and 2) stack is empty at the end. So the two method is equivalent.

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