You have a DNA string that you wish to analyze. Of particular interest
is which intervals of the string represent individual genes. You have
a number of "gene predictions", each of which assigns a score to an
interval within the DNA string, and you want to find the subset of
predictions such that the total score is maximized while avoiding
overlaps. A gene prediction is a triple of the form (start, stop,
score). start is the zero-based index of the first character in the
DNA string contained in the gene. stop is the index of the last
character contained in the gene. score is the score for the gene.

Input Specification

Your program will be passed the name of an input file on the command
line. The contents of that file are as follows.

The first line of the input contains only n, the length of the DNA
string you will be given.

The next ceiling(n / 80) lines each contain string of length 80 (or n
% 80 for the last line) containing only the characters 'A', 'C', 'G',
and 'T'. Concatenate these lines to get the entire DNA strand.

The next line contains only g, the number of gene predictions you will be given.

The next g lines each contain a whitespace-delimited triple of
integers of the form

<start> <stop> <score>

representing a single gene prediction. No gene predictions will exceed
the bounds of the DNA string or be malformed (start is non-negative
and no more than stop, stop never exceeds n - 1).

Example Input:

43  70  27
3   18  24
65  99  45
20  39  26
45  74  26
10  28  20
78  97  23
0   9   22

Output Specification
Print to standard out the score of the best possible subset of the
gene predictions you are given such that no single index in the DNA
string is contained in more than one gene prediction, followed by a
newline. The total score is simply the sum of the scores of the gene
predictions included in your final result.

When constructing your output, you may only consider genes exactly as
they are described in the input. If you find the contents of a gene
replicated elsewhere in the DNA string, you are not allowed to treat
the second copy as a viable gene. Your solution must be fast and
efficient to be considered correct by the robot.

Example Output:


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