void preorder(NODE tree)
   struct stack
     int top;
     NODE item[MAX];
   NODE p;
   do {

   } while(!empty(s) || p!=NULL);

void inorder(NODE tree)
   struct stack
     int top;
     NODE item[MAX];
   NODE p;
   do {


   } while(!empty(s) || p!=NULL);

void postorder(NODE tree)
   struct stack
     int top;
     NODE item[MAX];
   NODE p;
   NODE q;
   do {

          if (empty(s))
   } while(!empty(s) || p!=NULL);

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 12:14 PM, vicky <mehta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I m adding my program too, with some 2-3 added features:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include<conio.h>
> #include<iostream>
> #include <stack>
> #include <algorithm>
> #include <queue>
> using namespace std;
>  // BST-node layout
> typedef struct Tree{
>    int data;
>    Tree *left;
>    Tree *right;
>    }treeObject;
> // allocate memory to new node. notice pass by address of node
> void AllocateMemory(treeObject **node){
>    *node=new treeObject;
>     (*node)->left=(*node)->right=NULL;
>    }
> // insert a new node
> void Insert(treeObject *node,treeObject *root,int data){
>    if(root==NULL){
>        return;
>        }
>    node->data=data;
>    treeObject *prev=NULL;
>    treeObject *next=NULL;
>    next=prev=root;
>   while(next!=NULL){
>        prev=next;
>        if(next->data<=data){
>            next=next->right;
>            }
>        else{
>            next=next->left;
>            }
>        }
>        if(prev->data<=data){
>            prev->right=node;
>            }
>        else{
>            prev->left=node;
>            }
>    }
> //recursive inorder traversal
> void RecInorder(treeObject *node){
>    if(node==NULL){
>        return;
>        }
>    RecInorder(node->left);
>    cout<<node->data<<" ";
>    RecInorder(node->right);
>    }
> //recursive postorder traversal
> void RecPostorder(treeObject *node){
>    if(node==NULL){
>        return;
>        }
>    RecInorder(node->left);
>    RecInorder(node->right);
>    cout<<node->data<<" ";
>    }
> //recursive preorder traversal
> void RecPreorder(treeObject *node){
>    if(node==NULL){
>        return;
>        }
>    cout<<node->data<<" ";
>    RecInorder(node->left);
>    RecInorder(node->right);
>    }
> //Iterative Inorder traversal
> void IterInorder(treeObject *node){
>    stack<treeObject *> S;
>    treeObject *temp=node;
>    while(temp!=NULL){
>        S.push(temp);
>        if(temp->left!=NULL){
>            temp=temp->left;
>            }
>        else {
>            if(temp->left==NULL){
>                if(temp->right==NULL){
>                    cout<<S.top()->data<<" ";
>                    if(S.empty()){return;}
>                    S.pop();
>                    if(!S.empty()){
>                        cout<<S.top()->data<<" ";
>                        temp=S.top()->right;
>                        }
>                    if(S.empty()){return;}
>                    S.pop();
>                    }
>                else{
>                    cout<<S.top()->data<<" ";
>                    if(S.empty()){return;}
>                    S.pop();
>                    temp=temp->right;
>                    }
>                }
>            }
>        }
>    }
> void BFT(treeObject *node){
>    queue<treeObject *>Q;
>    Q.push(node);
>    while(!Q.empty()){
>        cout<<Q.front()->data<<" ";
>        if(Q.front()->left)Q.push(Q.front()->left);
>        if(Q.front()->right)Q.push(Q.front()->right);
>        Q.pop();
>        }
>    }
> int main(){
>    treeObject *root;
>    int i=10;
>    AllocateMemory(&root);
>    root->data=0;
>    treeObject *node;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,10);
>    treeObject *node1;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,71);
>    treeObject *node2;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,12);
>    treeObject *node3;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,2);
>    treeObject *node4;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,222);
>    treeObject *node5;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,5);
>    treeObject *node6;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,8);
>    treeObject *node7;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,65);
>    treeObject *node8;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,5);
>    treeObject *node9;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,9);
>    treeObject *node10;
>    AllocateMemory(&node);
>    Insert(node,root,1);
>    cout<<"recursive Inorder traversal\n";
>    RecInorder(root);
>    cout<<endl;
>    cout<<"recursive Postorder traversal\n";
>    RecPostorder(root);
>    cout<<endl;
>    cout<<"recursive Preorder traversal\n";
>    RecPreorder(root);
>    cout<<endl;
>    cout<<"iterative inorder traversal\n";
>    IterInorder(root);
>    cout<<endl;
>    cout<<"Breadth First Traversal\n";
>    BFT(root);
>    getch();
>     }
> On Jun 20, 8:17 am, Gene <gene.ress...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It might be right.  But it requires marks on the nodes, so it's not a
> > fully general algorithm, and probably not what you want.  Here is the
> > full algorithm that implements all the orders.  Take your pick.  It
> > does turn out that if you don't need post order, you can simplify
> > further.  In particular, you no longer need the 1/0 flag stored on the
> > stack.  You only need a stack of pointers.
> >
> > void si(NODE *tree)
> > {
> >
> >   for (;;) {
> >     while (tree) {
> >       printf("preorder %d\n",tree->val);
> >       PUSH(tree, 0);
> >      tree=tree->left;
> >     }
> >     for (;;) {
> >       if (!sp) return; // return on stack empty
> >       if (POP(tree) == 0) {
> >         printf("inorder %d\n",tree->val);
> >         PUSH(tree, 1);
> >        tree=tree->right;
> >         break;
> >       }
> >       printf("postorder %d\n",tree->val);
> >     }
> >   }
> >
> > }
> >
> > On Jun 19, 10:59 am, divya jain <sweetdivya....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > /*
> > >    Assuming you have a stack setup with push() and pop() operations.
> > >    Also assuming that all nodes are initially marked to 0.
> > >    (This function will reset them back to zero when finished)
> > > */
> > > void postorder(Node *n) {
> > >   push(n);
> >
> > >   while (stack.size > 0) {
> > >     n = (Node*)pop();
> >
> > >     if (n->marked || (n->left == NULL && n->right == NULL)) {
> > >       n->marked = 0;
> > >       printf("%d\n", n->value);
> > >     }
> > >     else {
> > >       n->marked = 1;
> > >       push(n);
> >
> > >       if (n->right) push(n->right);
> > >       if (n->left) push(n->left);
> > >     }
> > >   }
> >
> > > }
> >
> > >  is the above solution fine for postorder. plz let me knw if there is
> any
> > > mistake........
> >
> > > On 17 June 2010 10:37, Gene <gene.ress...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > > On Jun 16, 3:01 pm, divya <sweetdivya....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > plz give algos of inorder, preorder nd post ordertreetraversal..non
> > > > > recursive one..using stack..
> > > > > nd thetreeis not threaded
> >
> > > > #include <stdio.h>
> > > > #include <stdlib.h>
> >
> > > > typedef struct node_s {
> > > >  int val;
> > > >  struct node_s *left, *right;
> > > > } NODE;
> >
> > > > NODE *new(int val)
> > > > {
> > > >  NODE *tree= malloc(sizeof(NODE));
> > > >  tree->val = val;
> > > >  tree->left =tree->right = NULL;
> > > >  returntree;
> > > > }
> >
> > > > void search(NODE *tree)
> > > > {
> > > >  if (tree) {
> > > >    printf("preorder %d\n",tree->val);
> > > >    search(tree->left);
> > > >    printf("inorder %d\n",tree->val);
> > > >    search(tree->right);
> > > >    printf("postorder %d\n",tree->val);
> > > >  }
> > > > }
> >
> > > > // Direct conversion of recursive code to iteration.
> > > > struct stack_elt_s {
> > > >  int site;
> > > >  NODE *tree;
> > > > } stack[100];
> > > > int sp = 0;
> >
> > > > void search_iterative(NODE *tree) {
> > > >  start:
> > > >  if (tree) {
> > > >    printf("preorder %d\n",tree->val);
> > > >    // simulate the recursive call search(tree->left)
> > > >    stack[sp].tree=tree;
> > > >    stack[sp++].site = 0;
> > > >    tree=tree->left;
> > > >    goto start;
> > > >  L0:
> > > >    printf("inorder %d\n",tree->val);
> > > >    // simulate the recursive call search(tree->right)
> > > >    stack[sp].tree=tree;
> > > >    stack[sp++].site = 1;
> > > >    tree=tree->right;
> > > >    goto start;
> > > >  L1:
> > > >    printf("postorder %d\n",tree->val);
> > > >  }
> > > >  // simulate return to last call site
> > > >  if (sp) {
> > > >    tree= stack[--sp].tree;
> > > >    switch (stack[sp].site) {
> > > >    case 0: goto L0;
> > > >    case 1: goto L1;
> > > >    }
> > > >  }
> > > > }
> >
> > > > int main(void)
> > > > {
> > > >  struct node_s *n0 = new(0);
> > > >  struct node_s *n1 = new(1);
> > > >  struct node_s *n2 = new(2);
> > > >  struct node_s *n3 = new(3);
> > > >  struct node_s *n4 = new(4);
> > > >  n0->left = n1;
> > > >  n0->right = n2;
> > > >  n1->left = n3;
> > > >  n2->left = n4;
> >
> > > >  printf("recusive:\n");
> > > >  search(n0);
> >
> > > >  printf("\nnow iterative:\n");
> > > >  search_iterative(n0);
> >
> > > >  return 0;
> > > > }
> >
> > > > --
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