/** find the Middle element in the Array without sorting it.
  * This function uses a modified version of QuickSort, where we
  * only consider the one half of the array.
  * This is a recursive function where we look at some section of the array
  * (Concerned Array) at a time.
  * @param low = Loweset index of the Concerned Array
  * @param high = Heighest index of the Concerned Array
  * @param mid= The middle of the element in concerned array  mid = (high-low)/2

int findMedian(int *arr, int low, int high, int mid){
     int pivot = low;
     int l=low;
     int h = high;

             while(arr[l]<=arr[pivot]) l++;
             while(arr[h]>arr[pivot]) h--;

                 // Swapping the left and right
                 int temp = arr[l];
                 arr[l] = arr[h];
                 arr[h] = temp;
         // Swapping the pivot with the high pointer
         int temp = arr[pivot] ;
         arr[pivot] = arr[h];
         arr[h] = temp;
     if(mid< h){
         return findElementAtRank(arr, low, h-1, mid);
     }else if(rank > h ){
         return findElementAtRank(arr, h+1, high, mid);
         return arr[h];

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Avik Mitra <tutai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Given that the list is in sorted order. Let us assume that the list in
> the form of an array A[1...n].
> Case 1: If n is odd. Then the median is A[(n+1)/2]. Set MEDIAN:=A[(n
> +1)/2.
> Case 2: If n is even. Then the median is (A[n/2]+ A[n/2 +1])/2. Set
> MEDIAN:=(A[n/2]+ A[n/2 +1])/2.
> Assuming that the array accessing, the addition and division takes
> O(1) time. The running time of the algorithm is O(1).
> On Jul 26, 1:15 pm, Manjunath Manohar <manjunath.n...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> @Anand...for better efficiency..we can find the pivot as a random
>> integer..for better worst case complexity..
> --
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Shafi Ahmad

The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer....US Army

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