Dear All,

I found this in the book by skeina.

Problem: Given an array-based heap on n elements and a real number x,
determine whether the kth smallest element in the heap is greater than or
to x. Your algorithm should be O(k) in the worst-case, independent of the
size of
the heap.

the solution is given as follows.

int heap_compare(priority_queue *q, int i, int count, int x)
if ((count <= 0) || (i > q->n) return(count);
if (q->q[i] < x) {
count = heap_compare(q, pq_young_child(i), count-1, x);
count = heap_compare(q, pq_young_child(i)+1, count, x);

The explanation is given as follows:
This procedure searches
the children of all nodes of weight smaller than x until either (a) we have
k of them, when it returns 0, or (b) they are exhausted, when it returns a
greater than zero. Thus it will find enough small elements if they exist.
But how long does it take? The only nodes whose children we look at are
< x, and at most k of these in total. Each have at most visited two
children, so we
visit at most 3k nodes, for a total time of O(k).

I dont see how it works. In particular I dont see why count is reset
according to the 2 children of the current node. I am new to this. can some1
explain me what's happening?

Many thank,

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