if the intention of the problem is to do it in O(n)..

then we can do 2 passses.. one to find the no of 0 and 1..

then in 2nd pass,, put 0 in even and 1 in odd and leave the rest of
the array as such..


On Aug 20, 5:40 pm, Ashutosh Tamhankar <asshuto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is a C++ version of the algorithm to solve this problem.
> #include <iostream>
> #define TRUE 1
> #define FALSE 0
> typedef struct Binarr{
>     int iNumber;
> };
> class binaryarr{
>     Binarr * arr;
> public:
>     int iHead;
>      int iSize;
>     int iZeroes;
>     int iOnes;
>     int iTail;
>     binaryarr(void);
>     ~binaryarr(void);
>     bool Rearrange(void);
>     bool IsOdd(int iNumber);
>     bool IsZero(int iNumber);
>     bool SwapElements(int iUnexpected, int iCurrTail, int iExpected);
>     bool ZeroOneBalanced(void);
>     void Display(void);
> };
> void binaryarr:: Display(void){
>     std::cout << std::endl << "Contents of the arr are";
>     for(int j=0; j<iSize;j++)
>         std::cout << std::endl<< arr[j].iNumber;
> }
> bool binaryarr:: ZeroOneBalanced(void){
>     int iTotal = -1;
>     iTotal = iOnes + iZeroes;
>     if (iTotal == iSize && iOnes != iZeroes){
>         std::cout << std::endl<<"Number of Ones =
> "<<iOnes<<std::endl<<"Number of Zeros = "<<iZeroes;
>             return FALSE; // done or error occurred.
>     }
>     return TRUE;
> }
> // Builds the arr
> binaryarr::binaryarr(void){
>     int iIndex = 0;
>     std::cout << "Enter the size of the arr\n";
>     std::cin >> iSize;
>     if(iSize != 0){
>         if ((iSize % 2) == 0)
>         {
>             std::cout << std::endl<<"Enter each zero or one and press
> enter"<<std::endl;
>             arr = (Binarr *) malloc(iSize-1);
>             for (iIndex = 0 ; iIndex < iSize ; iIndex ++ )
>                 std::cin >> arr[iIndex].iNumber;
>             iHead = 0;
>             iTail = iSize-1;
>             iZeroes = 0;
>             iOnes = 0;
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             std::cout << "The size of the arr cant fit equal number of zeros
> and ones\n";
>             iHead = -1;
>         }
>     }
>     else
>         {
>             std::cout << "The size of the arr cant fit equal number of zeros
> and ones\n";
>             iHead = -1;
>         }
> }
> // Free the memory
> binaryarr::~binaryarr(void){
>     /*if (iHead != -1)
>     free(arr);*/
> }
> // is the given number odd or even
> bool binaryarr::IsOdd(int iNumber){
>     if ( (iNumber == 0 ) )
>         return TRUE;
>     else
>         if (( (iNumber % 2) == 0 )  && (iNumber!=1) )
>         return TRUE;
>     else
>         return FALSE;
> }
> // is the given number zero or one
> bool binaryarr::IsZero(int iNumber){
>     if (arr[iNumber].iNumber == 0){
>         iZeroes = iZeroes + 1;
>         return TRUE;
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         iOnes = iOnes + 1;
>         return FALSE;
>     }
> }
> bool binaryarr:: SwapElements(int iUnexpected, int iCurrTail, int
> iExpected){
>     int iTemp = -1;
>     int iFound = -1;
>     /*while !((IsZero(iUnexpected)) && iExpected){
>         iCurrTail = iCurrTail - 1;
>         iFound = 1;
>     }*/
>     for (int iDecr = iCurrTail; iDecr >= iUnexpected; iDecr--)
>     {
>         if((IsZero(iDecr)) && (iExpected == 0) || (!(IsZero(iDecr))) &&
> (iExpected == 1))
>         {
>             iFound = 1;
>             iTail = iDecr; // Reposition current tail.
>             iTemp = arr[iUnexpected].iNumber;
>             arr[iUnexpected].iNumber = arr[iDecr].iNumber;
>             arr[iDecr].iNumber = iTemp;
>             return TRUE;
>         }
>     }
>     //
>     if ((iFound == -1) || (iOnes != iZeroes))
>     {
>         std::cout << std::endl << "binaryarr:: SwapElements: Mismatch or
> mismatch in num of zeros : ones. Expected = "<<iExpected<<".Unexpected =
> "<<arr[iUnexpected].iNumber;
>         return FALSE;
>     }
> }
> // sort the input arr such that every odd position has a 1 and even position
> a zero.
> bool binaryarr::Rearrange(void){
>     for (iHead = 0; iHead < iTail; iHead++) {
>         if (IsOdd(iHead)) // Determine if the position on the arr is ODD
>         {
>             if (IsZero(iHead)) // Position is odd; but a zero encountered
>             {
>                 /*if (iTail == iHead)
>                     iTail = iTail +1;*/
>                 // Expected is 1.
>                 if (!(SwapElements(iHead,iTail, 1))) {
>                     std::cout << std::endl <<"No matching element found for
> element @:"<<iHead;
>                     return FALSE;
>                 }
>                 else
>                     std::cout << std::endl <<"Successfully swapped between
> "<<iHead<<" & "<<iTail;
>             }
>              // arr head is 1
>         }
>         else    // position is even
>         {
>             if (!(IsZero(iHead)))
>             {
>                 if (!(SwapElements(iHead,iTail, 0))) {
>                     std::cout << std::endl <<"No matching element found for
> element @:"<<iHead;
>                     return FALSE;
>                 }
>                 else
>                     std::cout << std::endl <<"Successfully swapped between
> "<<iHead<<" & "<<iTail;
>             }
>              // arr head is 0
>         }
>     }
>     Display();
>     if (!(ZeroOneBalanced()))
>          return FALSE;
>     return TRUE;
> }
> int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) {
>     binaryarr test;
>     if (test.iHead == -1)
>         std::cout << std::endl<<"Error:Number of zeros and ones cannot be
> equal with this size of arr";
>     else
>     {
>         if (!(test.Rearrange()))
>             std::cout << std::endl << "Rearrange failed";
>     }
>     return 0;
> }

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