Five  pirates (of different ages) have 100 gold coins to divide
amongst themselves. They decide on the following approach to determine
how much each pirate receives:

The eldest pirate proposes an allocation. All pirates (including the
eldest) then vote on the proposal. If the majority accept the proposal
then the coins are divided in the way suggested. If not, then the
eldest pirate is executed and the new eldest amongst the remaining
pirates proposes a new allocation. If the votes are tied then this is
enough for the proposal to be accepted.

Assuming that the pirates are motivated primarily by survival, then to
a lesser extent by greed and finally to the least extent by sadism
(i.e. they'd prefer to receive a gold coin and see someone get
executed than just receive one coin earlier, but would prefer one coin
to none and an execution; and obviously would prefer 0 coins and
surviving to 100 coins and being executed), and act in a logical way,
what is the maximum number of coins the eldest pirate can get?

please provide a source code

thanks in advance

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