What do you input into the algorithm corresponding to the specific
node? A pointer pointing to the node or just the key value of that
node used for query? These two situations are totally different in
which the former one can be handled in O(d) time complexity and the
other one will be O(2^d) complex, where d is the depth of the specific

On Sep 6, 11:08 pm, Debajyoti Sarma <sarma.debajy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How to print the path from root to a specific node in a binary tree??
> I want to store the path in a array[] of node*.
> can it b done in O(n) or less?
> Remember it's not BST.
>               1
>           /       \
>       2              3
>      /  \           /   \
>   4     5       6        7
>  / \    /  \     / \      /  \
> 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
> path of 6 will b 1,3,6.
> path of 9 will be 1,2,5,11

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