It can be thought of as a binary tree
Assume n=8.

At first level all 8 people are present, i.e leaves of the tree. 1
asks 2 if 2 knows 1, 3 asks 4 if 4 knows 3 etc ..
If 2 knows 1, then 1 goes to next level, else 2. Thus n/2 questions
are asked at level 1 and the height will be log(n). The total
questions asked will n.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
   1        4        5      8
        1         5      8
              5           8
On Dec 19, 4:25 pm, Senthilnathan Maadasamy
<> wrote:
> Note that there cannot be more than one celebrity in the group.
> Here is an O(n) solution:
>      Choose a random candidate x as a possible celebrity.
>      Let S be the set of remaining n-1 candidates.
>      While (S is not empty)
>          Remove another candidate y from S and ask if y follows x.
>                  If y follows x, y is not a celebrity.
>                  If y does not follow x, x is not a celebrity and hence let
> y be the new x.
>       After this, we are left with only one possible celebrity x.  We still
> need to verify if x is actually a celebrity.
>       Check if the remaining n-1 candidates follow x.
>                 If yes, x is a celebrity.
>                 If no, there is no celebrity in the group.

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