How about this algorithm:

1 sort the given array in ascending order
2 traverse from back that is greater to smaller
3 put the 1st read in arrayA and the 2nd read in arrayB
4 put the 3rd read in arrayB and the 4th read in arrayA (notice we
have reverse the order of putting the values)
5 repeat the process from step 3 until you have read all the values
6 find sum of the two arrays arrayA and arrayB (notice at this point
all values are read and both sets have same no. of elements)
7 find diff of their sums
8 find half value of the diff calculated say that value is 'x'
9 now try to find one no. in both the array with their diff <= x such
that greater no. is from arrayA and smaller is from arrayB if sum of A
> sum of B else viceversa.
10 if you don't find any such two no. then the current values in
arrayA and arrayB is the solution we are looking for
11 else just replace two no. find in step 9 and repeat the process
from step 6

Let me try to explain the algo with these two examples:

Example 1:
given:    1 7 6 4 9 12
sorted : 1 4 6 7 9 12

arrayA: 12

arrayA: 12
arrayB: 9

arrayA: 12
arrayB: 9 7

arrayA: 12 6
arrayB:   9 7

arrayA: 12 6 4
arrayB:   9 7

arrayA: 12 6 4
arrayB:   9 7 1

at this point all values are read and both sets have same no. of

now sum of arrayA = 22
now sum of arrayB = 18

diff of sum = 4
half of diff = 4/2  = 2 (we consider integer values only)

now try to find one no. in both the array with their diff <= 2 with
greater no. in arrayA and smaller in arrayB (reason being here sum of
A > sum of B)

the two no. are 4 in arrayA and 1 in arrayB

replace these two, so now we have:

arrayA: 12 6 1
arrayB:   9 7 4

now sum of arrayA = 19
now sum of arrayB = 20

diff of sum = 1
half of diff = 1/2  = 0 (we consider integer values only)

Thus the given subsets is the solution:
arrayA: 12 6 1
arrayB:   9 7 4

Example 2:
given:    5 18 3 9 11 34
sorted : 3 5 9 11 18 34

arrayA: 34

arrayA: 34
arrayB: 18

arrayA: 34
arrayB: 18 11

arrayA: 34  9
arrayB: 18 11

arrayA: 34  9 5
arrayB: 18 11

arrayA: 34  9  5
arrayB: 18 11 3

at this point all values are read and both sets have same no. of

now sum of arrayA = 48
now sum of arrayB = 32

diff of sum = 16
half of diff = 16/2  = 8 (we consider integer values only)

now try to find one no. in both the array with their diff <= 8 with
greater no. in arrayA and smaller in arrayB (reason being here sum of
A > sum of B)

the two no. are 9 in arrayA and 3 in arrayB

replace these two, so now we have:

arrayA: 34  3  5
arrayB: 18 11 9

now sum of arrayA = 42
now sum of arrayB = 38

diff of sum = 4
half of diff = 4/2  = 2 (we consider integer values only)

now try to find one no. in both the array with their diff <= 4 with
greater no. in arrayA and smaller in arrayB (reason being here sum of
A > sum of B)

We can not found any such two no. in these two arrays, thus the given
subsets is the solution:
arrayA: 34  3  5
arrayB: 18 11 9


I have tried this algo on various size of arrays with all sort of
values and it seems to be working as expected.


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