
hi its because whenever we talk about multi-threading we
need to take care of synchronization as the problem clearly says
"application made only single threaded " means not synchronized
otherwise as a programmer its his job to make a app..for multithreaded
environment so that such problem can avoided   simultaneous access of
any segment/part  of this application   causes curruption od
data...let us take a example

Let us assume that two threads T1 and T2 each want to increment the
value of a global integer by one. Ideally, the following sequence of
operations would take place:

   1. Integer i = 0; (memory)
   2. T1 reads the value of i from memory into register1: 0
   3. T1 increments the value of i in register1: (register1 contents)
+ 1 = 1
   4. T1 stores the value of register1 in memory: 1
   5. T2 reads the value of i from memory into register2: 1
   6. T2 increments the value of i in register2: (register2 contents)
+ 1 = 2
   7. T2 stores the value of register2 in memory: 2
   8. Integer i = 2; (memory)

In the case shown above, the final value of i is 2, as expected.
However, if the two threads run simultaneously without locking or
synchronization, the outcome of the operation could be wrong. The
alternative sequence of operations below demonstrates this scenario:

   1. Integer i = 0; (memory)
   2. T1 reads the value of i from memory into register1: 0
   3. T2 reads the value of i from memory into register2: 0
   4. T1 increments the value of i in register1: (register1 contents)
+ 1 = 1
   5. T2 increments the value of i in register2: (register2 contents)
+ 1 = 1
   6. T1 stores the value of register1 in memory: 1
   7. T2 stores the value of register2 in memory: 1
   8. Integer i = 1; (memory)

The final value of i is 1 instead of the expected result of 2.  its
the problem of synchronization..future solution of this problem is  it
is  mutual exclusion..its not ended world computer science..

Hope It Will help You

Thanks & Regards
Shashank Mani Narayan  "Don't Be Evil U Can Earn While U Learn"
Cell No +91-9740852296

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