
loop down  array find 2 elements such that c= sqrt(a*a + b*b)
& compare if( c*c ==a*a+b*b) //can be optimized we can leave this line
just writing fro clarification  if yes prints all the combination

For This I Have  A Gud Working Solution  which has time complexity of

Lets genralize this question fro some k & say k=100 means we wants to
find out all triplets which is less then kth (here 100)   number

         int n=100;
         void doit()
                int n2 = n*n;
                int count = 0;

                for (int a=0; a<=n; ++a)
                        for (int b=a; b<=n && a*a+b*b<=n2;++b)
                                int c = (int) Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b);
                                if (c*c == a*a + b*b)
                                        printf("(" + a + ", " + b + ", " + c + 
") ");

                printf("There are " + count + " combinations.");

In Case of Array we need to put a[i] e.g. array elements for which we
need to find out triplets that is also On^n)
solution .....Optimization with Others are welcomes.
But this algo will works fine. will not led any error.

Please Write Comment if Anything Wrong with above program or how we
can improve optimize it..because after analyzing u will find that so
many steps
unnecessary calculated ..although we don't want that...

Thanks & Regards
Shashank Mani "don't B evil U Can Earn While U Learn"

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