Correct me if I'm wrong

dp[i][j]=how many numbers of length i with the last digit j(int base
dp[i][0]=dp[i-1][0] , last digit can't be zero otherwise the number
has i-1 digits , not j;

now the recursion to pass from one state to the next

dp[i][j]=dp[i-1][k]+1(for each value of k such that k is less than j ,
from 0 to k)
That is to say , the number of numbers with length i and last digit
j , will be equal to the number of numbers with the last digit k , for
each k less than j .One is added because , we must not have included
the 0 in the last case , but we will include the zero case here . this
one corresponds to zero case .

Finally , the answer will be

dp[n][j]  , 1<=j<=9 , sum up all these and u have the answer
For example for 2 digits
dp[1][1-9]=1 , as nothing preceeds them and as said in the problem ,
one digit numbers are always increasing/decreasing .
next dp[2][1]=dp[1][1](As only 1 is less than  , equal to 1 , the last
digit in this state)
dp[2][2]=dp[1][1]+dp[1][2] =2( 1,2 and 2,2)
Continuing this way , we will get the answer , may be 50  , though i
din code it .

similarly , for 3 digits

Correct me if not!

On Jan 25, 12:06 am, juver++ <> wrote:
> dp[i][j] - how many numbers of length i and with the last digit j.
> Apply the scheme to increasing and decreasing number, then find ratio.

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