Suppose I press As only throughout .
We will have the number of As as A*(number of keystrokes) .This is the
least we can get provided we play stupidly enough .

On Jan 29, 9:16 pm, Saikat Debnath <> wrote:
> @ Sankalp : plz explain this line of yours : No. of As=A*(total number
> of keystrokes)  , gives us a bound . We
> should have a lower bound as this , we can always get this much As
> On Jan 29, 5:32 pm, sankalp srivastava <>
> wrote:> We can do it Using a binary search approach (The cost function is
> > monotonic over here , so we can use binary search)
> > No. of As=A*(total number of keystrokes)  , gives us a bound . We
> > should have a lower bound as this , we can always get this much As
> > Take the initial value as high and low as possible
> > say left=1 and right=10^9
> > mid=left+right/2;
> > if(can_get(this much As))
> >        then , left=mid+1;
> > else if(cannot get this much As)
> >         then ,
> >               right=mid
> > Continue this search until left<right .. This binary search gives the
> > maximum value which you can get using the given combinations

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