Given a binary tree with no size limitation, write a program to find
the sum of each vertical level and store the result in an appropriate
data structure (Note: You cannot use an array as the tree can be of
any size).

                                                  /       \
                                                7          8
                                            /      \      /  \
                                          10      11 /     13

here 4(root) , 11(leftsubtree's right child ), 12 (rightsubtree's left
child) are in same vertical Line

so here vertical line 1 is fro 10
vertical line 2 sum is 7

vertical line  3 sum is 4+11+12=27 (May Have Some Doubt So i Have
represented the figure in correct way)

vertical line  4 is 8
vertical line  5 is 13

Hope its clear to every one

Thanks & Regards
Shashank Mani

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