On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 6:02 PM, snehal jain <learner....@gmail.com> wrote:

> For a set S of n real numbers, a pair of elements x, y belong to S,
> where x < y, are said to be close if
> y – x <= ( max(S) – min(S) ) / (n-1)
> Suppose you are given an unsorted array A[1 : n] of distinct real
> numbers. Design an algorithm that finds a pair of close numbers in A
> in O(n) time.
Take any 2 no.s a and b say 1st and 2nd then a-b <= max(S) - min(S)

divide by n-1

(a-b) / (n-1) <= (Max - min) /(n-1)

Solution : Any 2 no.s will do

Am I incorrect somewhere ?

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