First you need a "Piece" class to represent one piece of a puzzle.
Each piece has four sides, each one with a unique outline which will
only connect to one other piece. Edge sides have an "edge" outline.
Each side also has a piece id attribute called "adjacent" to store the
value of the piece it connects to. Piece provides a "rotate" method
which turns the piece 90, 180, or 270 degrees.

The "Jigsaw" class has a number of pieces in the puzzle and a
container of pieces. The "Solve" method uses a map to store the
association of edges to pieces. It iterates through the pieces and for
each edge, looks to see if its compliment is in the map. If so, it
rotates the new piece to the correct orientation and sets the adjacent
fields in the two edges to point at each other. If not, it adds the
edge to the map. With one pass through the pieces, it should have all
the pieces in the correct orientation and connected to all of the
adjacent pieces.

On Apr 25, 10:00 am, bittu <> wrote:
> 1 .Design The JizSaw Puzzle Object Oriented Design(OOD)
> 2 Design the data structures and explain an algorithm to solve the
> puzzle.
> No Code Needed, A Good Discussion & Algorithmic, Complexity
> Discussion is Sufficient
> Thanks
> Shashank

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