For small numbers, trial division would work. Be sure to only divide
by prime numbers. When you find one which divides your target,
increment your counter and divide the target by that number as many
times as it works. Then go on to the next prime. When the prime
squared is larger than the target, you are done. The number of
divisors is 2 times the product of the number of times each prime
divided the target.

For large numbers you need to look into methods for factoring large
numbers. You would want to start with a test to determine that the
number is composite. If not, it has 2 divisors. Then try to divide the
number by small primes. Then use one of the factoring algorithms such
as the General Number Field Sieve to find factors.


On May 11, 8:55 am, Harshit Gangal <> wrote:
> How can we calculate the number of divisors a number have in minimum time or
> having minimum Time Complexity.
> --
> Harshit Gangal
> Fourth Year Undergraduate Student
> Dept. of Computer Science
> JIIT, Noida , India

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