Hello all , i am trying to solve this problem 
but getting WA. Could some one please tell me what is wrong with

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.List as L

solve :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
solve xs = solverHelp xs 1  where
   solverHelp ys p
        | BS.null ys == True = p
        | otherwise =  case BS.head ys of
                'L' -> solverHelp  ( BS.tail ys )  2*p
                'R' -> solverHelp  ( BS.tail ys ) ( 2*p + 1 )
                'P' -> solverHelp  ( BS.tail ys )  p
                '*' -> solverHelp  ( BS.tail ys )  p + solverHelp  ( BS.tail ys 
( 2*p ) + solverHelp  ( BS.tail ys )  ( 2*p + 1 )

main = BS.interact $ BS.unlines . map ( BS.pack . show . solve ) .

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