I think Hash-map With Separate Chaining Will be Best Where Key Will
be Name of country & value will be pointer to linked list that will
hold all the scene Shooted in that country so hope it pretty clear
that as we shooting scene randomly so whenever new scene Shooted put
into bucket of Hash-map if starting pointer of linked is null else if
scene from same country repeats again then add it to last or first its
can be done O(1) & repeat the same for remaining scene so when
particular scene will be displayed just display it & increment the
corresponding pointer of bucket ..It just an approach we have to take
care of out system requirement & complexity Issue (time & space) so in
this case whenever collision occur string an item can be done in O(1)
but retrying the item may take the time of length of linked list in
particular bucket O(n)

See There are several DS & several way we can do insertion ,
searching, deletion operation in O(1) but not all of the same time but
here is problem is that of associativity i mean every scene is
associated with particular country

Correct me if anything Wrong or Optimization or Suggest Any DS.that
can perform both operation very fast ??

Shashank>>"The Best Way to Escape From The Problem is to Solve It"
Reach Me:+91- 9739002481

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