Hello all
I am trying to solve this problem [ https://www.spoj.pl/problems/KPEQU
] but getting time limit exceed . My algorithm is given equation can
be written as ( N! - x) * ( N! - y) = (N!) ^2. Now the number of
solution of any number N will be (2a1+1) *(2a2+1) ....(2ak + 1) where
N! = 2^a1 * 3^a2*5^a3 .....pk^ak . Could some one please tell me how
to make this code more faster  or how to improve the algorithm . I am
posting my code but some times due to indentation issue , this code
may throw compiler error.  You can have a look here in case of
compilation error [ http://hpaste.org/47479/spoj_kpequ ].
Thank you

import Data.List

isprime :: Integer -> Bool
isprime n | n<=1 = False
          | otherwise = all ( (/=0).mod n ) . takeWhile ( \x -> x*x<= n) $

--count prime p in list from p to n
count :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
count  n  p = sum . map snd .  map ( until ( \( x , _ ) -> mod  x p /=
0 ) ( \( x , y ) -> ( div x p , y+1 ) ) ) . zip [p..n] $ [0,0..]

plist ::[Integer]
plist = filter isprime [2..]

solve :: Integer -> String
solve 1 = show 1
solve n = show a    where
        p = takeWhile ( <=n) plist
        a = foldl (\acc x -> acc * ( 2 * ( count n x ) + 1 ) ) 1 p

main = interact $ unlines . map ( solve . read ) . init . lines

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