@Juver - I am getting Access denied for the pdf link you sent :(

On Jun 27, 8:48 am, "juver++" <avpostni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here it is:http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0805/0805.1598v1.pdf
> On Jun 27, 5:02 am, Ankit Sablok <ankitsablok19091...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Need a Better Algorithm
> > here is a trivial question we are given an array of 2n elements in the
> > form
> > {a1,a2,a3,......,an,b1,b2,b3b.......bn}
> > we need to output a resultiing array in the form
> > {a1,b1,a2,b2........,an,bn}
> > but without using another array here is my algorithm which uses nested
> > loops can anyone provide a better solution which doesnt involve
> > shifting.
> > int i,j,k,temp;
> > j=num;
> > int Interleave(int *arr)
> > {
> >     for(i=1;i<2*num - 1;i+=2)
> >     {
> >       temp = arr[j];
> >       for(k=j;k>=i+1;--k)
> >       arr[k]=arr[k-1];
> >       arr[i] = temp;
> >       ++j;
> >     }
> > }

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