This is a problem of attribute evaluation.  Pick the right attributes,
and it's not hard.

Note this code is not tested, but it ought to work fine.

// return value is the last node visited in reverse order.
// prev is the previous node in reverse order
NODE *inorder_set(NODE *node, NODE *prev)
  if (node) {
    node->next = inorder_set(node->right, prev);
    return inorder_set(node->left, node);
  return prev;

Initial call should pass NULL to prev.

You can convert this to iterative form using the standard approach
discussed here some time back. The second recursive call is a tail
call, so begin by converting this to a loop:

NODE *inorder_set(NODE *node, NODE *prev)
  while (node) {
    node->next = inorder_set(node->right, prev);
    prev = node;
    node = node->left;
  return prev;

Now "simulate" the first recursive call with a stack:

NODE *inorder_set(NODE *node, NODE *prev)
  NODE *rtn_val;

  while (node) {
    // save the current args on the stack
    stack[p++] = node;
    // not needed: stack[p++] = prev;
    // reset the args and simulate the call
    node = node->right;
    goto call;
    // remove return val and restore the args from the stack
    rtn_val = stack[--p];
    // not needed as prev is dead here: prev = stack[--p];
    node = stack[--p];
    node->next = rtn_val;
    prev = node;
    node = node->left;
  // Simulate recursive return unless stack is empty.
  if (p > 0) {
    stack[p++] = prev; // return value
    goto rtn;
  return prev;

I'll let you figure out how to manipulate this code in order to get
rid of the gotos and optimize.

On Jul 4, 2:04 pm, Navneet Gupta <> wrote:
> Tree has an extra pointer "next" apart from left and right. Objective
> is to set next pointer to point to node successor in the tree.
> Following the next pointer, we would be able to produce sorted list.
> Looking for both a recursive and non-recursive approach.
> --Navneet

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