well for question 6 I think calculating size of string will count as one
Correct me if I am wrong?
My approach:
traverse storing each char in a string.when space encountered push the
string in stack....
I am not sure how my solution is but it doesnt appears gud ryt now.
On Tue, Jul 5, 2011  4:34 PM, Dumanshu <duman...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ans1. use counting sort for character array (0 to 255) then check for
> the second string if same or not.
> ans2. send 1 and 2, 1 comes back, send 10 and 5, 2 comes back, send 2
> and 1
> ans3. As vikas said, sum of digits should b 8. In that case the number
> must have a zero digit because 1st digit the no. of zeroes can't be
> zero then. right? print all the combinations. need help on this.
> ans4. a function with string, first index, last index as arguments and
> return true or false. increment first index and decrement last index
> for recursive call.
> ans5. I have no idea. may b we can take help of shunting algorithm.
> but there ought to be an easier way to do this. Do we have to WAP a
> general one for these expressions???
> ans6. allocate same number of bytes for the reversed string. now
> traverse the original string from the back.
> as soon as u encounter a space say at position x or you come to 0
> index, call the    current = function (x+1,current) or current =
> function(0,current).
> this function copies the original string from position x+1 to
> (while(space or null)) in reversed string at position current and
> returns current + no. of characters copied.
> ans8. somebody plz explain this. do we have to find the values for
> a,b,c,d,e,f so that we can get return change for 100,50,25,10,5?
> 10, 5,5,20,25,50... how to get change for 5 then?
> ans9. lets say we have to allocate 100*200 i.e. rows 100 and columns
> 200
>        int **a = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *)*100);
>        a[0] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*100*200);
> for(i=1;i<100;i++)
>   a[i] = (a[i-1]+200);
> ans10. use hashtables, first traversal get true for all values
> present. then second traversal, check if (X- arr[i]) is present in
> hashtable, if yes print.
> ans11. i think ans to this one is 1 byte. because some information is
> stored.. may be. m nt sure :P
> ans12. typedef struct node * NODE;
> NODE sortlist(NODE head,int n)
> {
> if(n==1) return head;
> if(!n) return null;
> NODE temp =head;
> for(int i=0;i<n\2;i++)temp=temp->next;
> return merge(sortlist(head,n/2),sortlist(temp,n/2 + (n%2)););
> }
> NODE merge(NODE t1,NODE t2)
> {
> NODE head=NULL,temp=NULL;
> int set =0;
> while(t1 && t2)
> {
> if(t1->data < t2->data)
> {
> if(!set){head=t1;temp = head;set=1;t1=t1->next;}
> else
> {
> temp->next = t1;
> t1=t1->next;
> }
> }
> else
> {
> if(!set){head=t2;temp = head;set=1;t2=t2->next;}
> else
> {
> temp->next = t2;
> t2=t2->next;
> }
> }
> while(t1)
> {
> temp->next = t1;
> t1 = t1->next;
> }
> while(t2)
> {
> temp->next = t2;
> t2 = t2->next;
> }
> temp->next = NULL;
> return head;
> }
> did i miss any case?
> On Jul 5, 11:24 am, vikas <mehta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > These all were asked cumulatively in five interviews, one after another.
> >
> > Q1 given 2 string A ,B. write a code to find all character of A exists in
> B
> > or not?
> >
> > Q2. A puzzle athttp://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/56756.html
> >
> > Q3. Find a 8-digit number, where the first figure defines the count of
> zeros
> > in this number, the second figure the count of numeral 1 in this number
> and
> > so on....
> >
> > Q4. write a recursive function to find a given string is palindrome or
> not?
> >
> > Q5.   write a code to generate the parse tree like compilers do
> internally
> > for any given expression
> > e.g. a+(b+c*(e/f)+d)*g
> >
> > Q6. 3 reverse the string word by word e.g. "My name is pradeep" .. o/p
> shd
> > be  "pradeep is name
> > My" ...intwer expecting a 1 traversal algo
> >
> > Q7. C++ (What are virtual functions) what happened if I do
> > Base *d = new Derived(); and  Derived *d = new Base();
> > is it error(in which statement) or not if yes what type of error?
> >
> > Q8.  you have 6 coins of Indian denomination (a+b+c+d+e+f=115 paisa)
> ...if
> > user ask for a
> > change of 100,50,25,10,5 paisa then you r not able to give find the value
> of
> > a,b,c,d,e,f.........e.g.
> > lets if user ask for a change of 25 paisa then you r not able to return
> > (10+10+5) or (20+5)
> >
> > Q9.  allocate 2D array dynamically with min no. of malloc calls.
> >
> > Q10. given unsorted array and a no. X ,find 2 no. whose sum is
> > X....a[i]+a[j]=X ...........do it in  O(n)
> >
> > Q11. class A {}; A obj ; what is sizeof(obj)....explain ANS
> >
> > Q12. Write a code of Merge sort on Linked list.
> >
> > Lets discuss them................
> --
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Saurabh Singh
B.Tech (Computer Science)

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