I agree with skript: Number of ways of doing this is n!

One in the first row can be placed in n ways.
After one in first row has been placed,
we can place One in second row in n-1 ways and so on.
So total num of ways is n*(n-1)*...*1 = n!

One possible solution to this problem can be coded as follows:

Input: integer n
Output: different matrices satisfying given criteria

Create an array of integers 1 to n.

// Omega( n! )
   For (i =0 to n-1)
  // Omega(n)
    print binary representation of (1 << arr[i] ) upto n bits     //
} while( Next_Permutation( arr, arr+n ) );

TC: Omega ( n! )  *  Omega ( n ) *  omega ( n )
SC: O(n)...( I dunno [?] whether Next_permutation uses any extra space or
what, so i am not considering it... [?]  )

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