please explain....the code
using namespace std;
int main()
int x=0;
string str;
cin>>str;//only lowercase
for(int i=0;i<str.size();i++) x^=(1<<(str[i]-97));
{      if(!(x&(x-1)))cout<<"Palindrome\n";
    else cout<<"Not palindrome\n";

{    if(!x)cout<<"Palindrome\n";
    else cout<<"Not palindrome\n";
i could not understand the algo

On Jul 26, 11:07 am, Anika Jain <> wrote:
> int palin(char *p)
> {
>     int x=0;
>     while(*p)
>     {
>         x^=1<<(*p-'a');
>         p++;
>     }
>     int i=0,count=0;
>     while(i<26)
>     {
>         count+=(1<<i & x)>>i;
>         i++;
>     }
>     if(count>1)
>         return 0;
>     else
>         return 1;
> }

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