void quicksort( T[] A, Integer left, Integer right)
if ( left < right )
    q = partition( A, left, right) ;
    quicksort ( A, left, q–1);
    quicksort ( A, q+1, right) ;

Integer partition( T[] A, Integer left, Integer right)
m = left + right / 2;
swap( A[left],  A[m]);
pivot = A[left] ;
lo = left+1; hi = right;
while ( lo ≤ hi )
    while ( A[hi] > pivot )
      hi = hi – 1;
    while ( lo ≤ hi and A[lo] <
∼ pivot )
      lo = lo + 1;
    if ( lo ≤ hi )
      swap( A[lo], A[hi]);
       lo = lo + 1;  hi = hi – 1;
swap( A[left], A[hi]);
return hi

plz tell me the case for (lo=hi) in while loop in partition.

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