Hello friends,

Recently I appeared for placement interviews for Amazon in my
campus.Unfortunately though I couldn't make it, still want to share
something for others here preparing for amazon interviews!

First of all though it is very hard to crack, here are a few things
which can make your preparation easier and effective!

In the interview, I have found that most of the questions asked are
repeated questions which are available online rather than any new
questions they have made. A few examples are loop in a linked list,
print all permuations of a string, binary search in a rotated array
etc.. These all questions are very commonly found in websites like
careercup.com and also in this google group. Instead of just going
through hundreds of question be sure that you can perform the best of
100% if you are given from these frequently asked questions.

Just to add, if you are very good in coding it's fine , else make sure
that you can also code these above questions very well rather than
just explaining the algos!. They will definitely ask you to code

In " Cracking the coding interview" all the questions are very very
important. To my astonishment most of the questions in the sections
like Linked LIsts, Arrays, Trees and Graph, Recursion from the
aforesaid book were asked in our interview!  So never miss reading and
coding these questions before going to your interview.

Though it's very weird to say, I would say that if you are very very
good with these around 40 most frequently repeated questions, which
can be collected through googling, your performance is almost 80%
guaranteed in the interview. It's sure that you will have to face only
a very few question outside from this. And if you are somewhat more
good enough , you can easily make through to the AMAZON!

All the best for all :)
Repeating once again, rather than just reading through hundreds of
questions it would be best if you practice coding and studying the few
30 interview questions! Else you will have to regret like me :|

#We will be having Google on our campus soon! I'm totally strange to
their selection process,tests and intreview, so if anyone have any
idea please do share here! Thanks!

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