The overall process: 1 Written, 3 rounds of interview

1)      Written: Written was quite simple. The whole paper was divided into
two sections. Section 1 was basically C, FAT and Data Structures
Questions and Section 2 was for Coding, Testing and Design questions.

Section A (10 questions)

1)      Output of the following code :
int main()
        int x = 6;
        x = x ^ x;
        printf (“%d\n”, x);
        return 0;

2)      Output of following code :
int main()
        scanf (“%s”, str);

        switch (str) {
                case “Sun”:
                        printf (“Sunday\n”);
                case “Mon”;

3)      Output :
int main()
        int x, y;
        printf (“%d\n”, scanf (“%d %d”, &x, &y));
        return 0;
For input x = 100, y = 300

4)      Output:
int main()
        char *str = “junk”;
        scanf (“%[A telephonic girl]”, str);
        printf (“%s\n”, str);
        return 0;


6)      A function : Recursive version of “Repeated Squaring Algorithm”. So
you have to answer what the function will return.

7)      The following function will :
double round(double x) {
        return (int)(x + 0.5);
a)      Always work,       b) Partially Work,   c) Compilation Error, …..
8)      Output :
int main()
        int x = 6;
        int y = 10;
        int z;
        z += x – y;
        printf (“%d\n”, z);
        return 0;
9)      Static Variables
10)      Output : Simple looping problem
Section B
1)      Code for Product Array Puzzle. (In best time and space
complexities, robust, elegant code)
2)      Test cases for Find in Wordpad.
3)      Data Structure that can be useful for the calculation like ab mod m.
Interview Round:
1)      First Round: Directly with head (26 years experience). Very
friendly, intelligent and great guy and a good observer too. He first
asked, “Tell me about yourself.” Seriously speaking, I was not
prepared for such HR questions. So I started with whatever came into
my mind. After that, he gave me a state-event machine for validating a
sentence and told me to code for that. So I wrote the code for that.
The code was basically, with loops and conditions. So he further told
me that if I add any new state (suppose for punctuations) in this
machine, you will have to change your whole code. So “Is there any way
you can improve it?” So I thought for 2-3 minutes and gave him a DP
Solution. So It was like, for each state Si, when I get some event Ei,
I will move to state Sj. So I preferred to create a table (2-D Array)
for that. And after some time, I could recall that the table was
“Predictive Parsing Table”. So I told him that it was predictive
parsing table. He agreed and told me to write the code. I wrote the
code and he was happy with that. After that, he told me to write the
test cases for that. I gave him some test cases. And he further added
some cases for that. Actually, for the Sentence validation, I just
gave him test cases for English Language. So he told me why I didn’t
think of Hindi or other language. Further he gave me some reasoning
for that. Last question he asked me, “Do you have any questions for
me?” I asked some questions and this was my first round. And called
further for 2nd Round.
2)      Second Round: Guy with 16 years Experience. He started with the
question, “Why Microsoft?” I replied him. So he gave me first question
to find the Least Common Ancestor for the given two numbers in a BST.
So I thought for a moment and told him my approach. And he told me to
write the code. I wrote the code and after that I gave the flaw in my
own code.  Actually, the way I solved the problem, did not verify
whether given two values are present in the BST. Apart from that, my
solution was recursive one. So he told me to write the Iterative
solution, solving the verification problem too. I took 5 minutes to
think and write the full code for this. He was satisfied with that.
After that, he asked me “tail” command in UNIX and told me to give the
approach and SEEK was not available to jump here and there in file. So
first I gave him double pointer solution. But he told that this read
the file two times. So I gave him one pointer solution with some
auxiliary space. He was satisfied with the approach. And asked me some
OS questions about Virtual Memory, Locks and Synchronization. This was
the 2nd round.
3)      Third Round: Guy with 6 years Experience. He gave his own
introduction and then asked mine too. Question was to find the longest
palindrome in the given string. I gave him solution after discussing
for a long time with different approaches. I gave him two solutions.
After that, he asked me some HR questions.
Other guys were called for 4th round too.

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