*You have given a structure which has two member, One which stores the
time and other stores the function pointer Your function has to call the *
*function stored in the fuction poitner after the time given in the
structure elapses.
Design that function? *

Approach: To design this function I would use a min Heap data structure.
Each node of a heap has
                two parameters one is the running time and other one is the
function pointer.

// Initialise a function pointer
typedef void (*functionToBeCalled)(int arg1, int arg2);

// Timer structure
typedef struct timer
   float runingTime;   // in terms of seconds
   functionToBeCalled funcToBeCall; // function pointer

void initTimer()
   Initialise few nodes with running time and its corresponding function
   Initialise a MIN heap data structure

void addTimer(uint32 runingTime, functionToBeCalled func)
     TIMER *temp;
      temp = (TIMER *)malloc(sizeof(TIMER));
      temp->runingTime = runningTime
      temp->funcToBeCall = func;

void scheduler()
            uint32 currentTime = ObtainCurrentTime();
            // Obtain the runing time of top most element of the min Heap
            uint32 runingTime = PeakHeap();
            // if the runningTime is equal to current time then extract the
top most
            // element of the heap and execute the function associate with
            // Heapify the MIN heap data structure
            // Obtain the runing time of top most element of the min heap
            // scheduler sleep for that much amount of time.
            if(runingTime == currentTime)
                 TIMER * node = ExtractMinHeap();
                  CreateThread(node->func, Thread);
                  runingTime = PeakHeap();
               // scheduler updates its sleep time
              // if runing time is not equal to current time


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