i came across a question....cud anyone suggest how to go with this
problem...to me it seems to be based on greedy algo

You are now incharge of a private hall. People book your hall for
different purposes like marriage, meetings and other ceremonies we
will consider all these events just as a “booking”. You are a very
famous person and so is your hall for various facilities. All people
want to perform their ceremonies in this hall so they book your hall
beforehand. Now you have a problem ,there are many request
applications for booking . Each application mentions the start date
and no. of days for which it wants to do the booking along with the
cost per day you will be pad for that booking. Since you are
businessman you have to allot the hall in such a way that you gain
maximum profit(maximum amount) out of this. Things you need to keep in
mind to make things simpler is : =>You need not to mention the month
or year , you can assume the dates are of same month . =>Once you
allot the hall to someone you can’t allot it to anyone else till the
ceremony is not over.
=>Month is only of 30 days. Any start date between 1 and 30(inclusive)
is valid.
=> Booking is done for full day . If your event(to which you allot the
hall) ends on suppose 12th of the month you cannot give hall to anyone
on 12th you can give on 13th For Ex: two persons request for a
booking: BookingReq 1 : StartDate : 12 No. of Days : 3 Amount Perday:
1000 Booking Req2: StartDate : 14 No .of Days 1: Amount Perday : 2000
Then if you allot this hall to First Person.. it is occupied for next
3 days and you can’t give it to second person. “Your Task is to output
the BookingReq no. to which you can allot hall to gain maximum
profit(maximum amount)”. Input Specification: First Line of input
consist of number of test cases M. FirstLine of each test case consist
of no. of booking requests N . Followed by N lines.Where Each line
contains 3 integers StartDate ,No. of days booking is required and
Amount per day , each integer separated by a space. New test case
start on a new Line. 1<= Startdate <=30 Ouput Specification Output
contains M lines . Each line gives the maximum amount of money you can
get by allotting the hall. Sample Input: 1 // no. of test cases 3 //3
booking requests for test case 1 3 4 1200
2 7 900
13 2 200 Ouput: 8900


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