I Think Trie is suitable DS for this problem , its similar "Did You Mean" 
Feature of Google 

Paste it in ur address bar

we can assume that all valid words are already in Trie(dictionary ) or even 
if they are not we can pre-process them to make a valid dictionary (trie) 
,during this we will mark every valid word we have inserted in trie as valid 
by boolean flag EOW(end of word), after this pre-processing phase, Now we 
will go through given string check for valid word exist or not in Trie if 
found we set space in given string & keep continuing this un till finished 
whole string.
structure of trie

struct node
           char  character;       // character of the node
           bool  eow;             // indicates a complete word
           int   prefixes;        // indicates how many words have the 
           node* edge[52];        // references to all possible sons //only 
} *root;                        // trie root node

correct me if any flaw in approach 

Shashank Mani 
Computer Science
Birla Institute of Technology Mesra*

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