Make an associative sum array ... then find two indexes in the new
array such that b[j] - b[i] =k, which can be done by a hash table. The
found indexes form ur answer , i+1 & j.
For e.g
A = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
B = {1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45}
and k = 15
now B[5] - B[2] = 15
so ans is 3 & 5 i.e 4+5+6

Running time O(n).


On Sep 2, 8:35 pm, Neha Singh <> wrote:
> @Shashank : I think the sub array need not start from the the index 0. For
> eg: If the array is of size 10, then the sub array can be from index 3 to 7.
> Here is my solution :
> Given : int arr[size] , int sum
> 1. Take an array prefix_sum[size]
> 2. int temp=0;prefix_sum[0]=0;
>     for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
>     {
>         temp+=arr[i];
>         prefix_sum[i]=temp;
>    }
> 3. for (int i=0;i<size;i++)
>        for(int j=0;j<=i;j++)
>        {
>            if(prefix_sum[i]-prefix_sum[j]+arr[j]  == sum)
>                printf("%d  %d",i,j);  // sub array from index i to j is the
> required sub array
>        }
> Time : O(n^2)
> Space : O(n)

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