it is easy to rewrite the whole code correctly than finding a bug in this
code. don't ask someone else to debug your codes, else you will get !!!!

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 7:03 PM, g4ur4v <> wrote:

> Original question=>
> code=>
> #include<stdio.h>
> #include<string.h>
> #include<stdlib.h>
> //#include<conio.h>
> int compare(const void *a,const void *b)
> {
>    const char *a_=*(const char **)a;
>    const char *b_=*(const char **)b;
>    return(strcmp((char *)a_,(char *)b_));
> }
> int main()
> {
>    int t,n,i,j,k,sts=0;
>    char **A;
>    char Bi[1000];
>    scanf("%d",&t);    // input number of test cases
>    while(t--)
>    {
>              scanf("%d",&n);    //input number of strings for each
> test case
>              A=new char*[n];
>              for(i=0;i<n;++i)
>              {
>                   scanf("%s",Bi);    //input the strings
>                   int l=strlen(Bi);
>                   A[i]=new char[l];
>                   strcpy(A[i],Bi);
>              }
>            //  delete Bi;
>              qsort(A,n,sizeof(char*),compare);   //sorting the
> strings
>               bool B[n];
>              for(i=0;i<n;++i)
>              B[i]=true;
>              int f=1;
>              char s,e;
>              for(j=0;j<n;++j)
>              {
>              s=A[j][0];
>              B[j]=false;
>              e=A[j][strlen(A[j])-1];
>              for(i=0;i<n;++i)
>              {
>                     if(B[i])
>                     {
>                             if(A[i][0]==e)
>                             {
>                                 B[i]=false;
>                                 e=A[i][strlen(A[i])-1];
>                                 ++f;
>                                 i=0;
>                             }
>                     }
>              }
>              if(f==n)
>              {
>              printf("Ordering is possible.\n");
>              sts=1;
>              goto outside;
>              }
>              for(k=0;k<n;++k)
>              B[k]=true;
>              f=1;
>              }
>            //  delete []B;
>              outside:
>              if(sts==0)
>              printf("The door cannot be opened.\n");
>              }
>           }
> 1)  1
>     2
>     ok
>     ok
> output=>The door cannot be opened.
> (so the code works fine for this case.)
> 2) 2
>    2
>    directi
>    codechef
>    3
>    skenzo
>    logicboxes
>    orderbox
> output=>The door cannot be opened.
>             Ordering is possible.
> (so the code works fine for this case too.)
> 3)3
>   2
>   directi
>   codechef
>   3
>   skenzo
>   logicboxes
>   orderbox
>   2
>   ok
>   ok
> the code doesnt give output and stops responding as soon as 3 case
> starts processing..
> Plz...explain why is this happening and how to rectify this code...
> Plz..reply asap.
> --
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