Given a set S of objects having weights Wi and values Vi, and given a
maximum weight Wmax.
 Find *ALL* the maximal subsets of set S such that Sum(Wi) <= Wmax.

 Maximal subset means if {a, b, c} is a solution (such that Wa+Wb+Wc <=
Wmax) it means there doesn't exist any other object x in S such that
Wa+Wb+Wc+Wx <= Wmax and all the subsets of {a, b, c} e.g. {a, b}, {b, c},
{a, c}....{c} are not the part of the solution set.

P.S. Note that I am *not asking the knapsack problem* where we need to find
the optimal set.
 I am asking *ALL* the possible maximal subsets and looking for a good algo
(polynomial if exists).


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