This is nice.  There is also an article on how to do this iteratively
with a stack:

This solution actually traverses a BST of any shape, tears it apart,
and reassembles it as a perfectly balanced tree.  However, it will
also work on a sorted list. Just replace the BST traversal with a list

On Dec 11, 12:33 pm, Lucifer <> wrote:
> 1) Get the count of nodes in the given DLL. Say its, n.
> 2) Call convert(0, n-1, &headPtrToDLL);
>     node* convert(int start, int end, node **head)
>     {
>        node * root = NULL;
>        if (start > end)
>             return NULL;
>        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
>        node * left = convert( start, mid -1, head);
>        root = *head;
>        (*head) = (*head)->next; // (*head)->right;
>        node * right = convert( mid + 1, end, head);
>        root->left = left;
>        root->right = right;
>        return root;
>     }
> On Dec 11, 12:00 pm, AMAN AGARWAL <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > WAP to convert a sorted DLL to a balanced BST.
> > Regards,
> > Aman.
> > --
> > "Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue
> > that counts!"- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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