As its required to generate all possible binary trees with the given
in-order sequence,

Lets hold all the root nodes of generated binary trees in the form of
singly linked list.. The structure of the same would be..
struct rootNodes
  struct node *root; // holds the root pointer of a binary tree
  struct rooNodes *nextNode // holds the pointer to the next
'rootNodes' structure which in turn holds the root of the next
generated binary tree...

CreateNodeRN(struct node * root) is basically used to :
1)  create/malloc the struct of type 'rootNodes' taking parameter as
the root of the new generated binary tree to be set to 'root'
2) 'nextNode' will be set to NULL / 0;

The structure used for binary trees would be:

struct node
 int data;
 struct node * left;
 struct node *right;

CreateNodeBN(int data) is basically used to :
1)  create/malloc the struct of type 'node' taking parameter as the
data to be stored in a binary tree node.

// Below code written based on 1-based indexing..

Let the in-order sequence be represented by A[N]

// The returned list of rootNodes (i.e. the singly linked list of
rootNodes) will have the head pointer act as startpoint/dummy whose
'root' struct variable would be NULL

// Call GetListOfBTs(1, N, A);

struct rootNodes * GetListOfBTs(int startIndex, int endIndex , int
  struct rootNodes* listOfBTs=  CreateNodeRN(NULL);
  struct rootNodes* tempListOfBTs = listOfBTs;

    struct node * rootBT = NULL;
    for (int i =startIndex ; i <=endIndex; ++i)
      rootBT = CreateNodeBN(arr[i]);
      rootBT->left = GenerateBT(startIndex, i-1 , arr);
      rootBT->right = GenerateBT(i+1,endIndex, arr);

      tempListOfBTs->nextNode = CreateNodeRN(rootBT);
      tempListOfBTs = tempListOfBTs->nextNode;

  return listOfBTs;

struct node * GenerateBT(int startIndex, int endIndex , int *arr)
    if ( startIndex > endIndex) return NULL;
    struct node * root = NULL;
    for (int i =startIndex ; i <=endIndex; ++i)
      root = CreateNodeBN(arr[i]);
      root->left = GenerateBT(startIndex, i-1 , arr);
      root->right = GenerateBT(i+1,endIndex, arr);
    return root;

On Dec 29, 8:00 am, Lucifer <> wrote:
> The no. of binary trees that can be generated having n nodes would be:
> (2n C n) / (n+1) i.e the catalan no.
> On Dec 28, 12:06 am, bugaboo <> wrote:
> > Given an inorder traversal only for a binary tree (not necessarily a
> > BST), give a pseudo code to generate all possible binary trees for
> > this traversal sequence.
> > Firstly, how many binary trees can be generated given an in-order
> > traversal? I know that given 'n' nodes, number of BTs possible is
> > (2^n)-n. But if we are given a specific in-order sequence, can we cut
> > down on this number?

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